Monday 21 April 2014

Hoppy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

We had a great weekend, Friday colouring easter eggs, which in the Wilson/Thompson household is generally hilarious.  Then Easter dinner on Sunday with the whole family.  We took some awesome pictures like this gem:

Photo credit belongs to Uncle Jeff.

But we managed to get a few great ones as well, like this:

 Sorry Chrissy, it's the one where you are looking away lol.

Also we had an easter project (actually there were several easter projects going on)

Little bunny slippers!
 It's surprisingly hard to get a shot of slippers on a wiggly baby's feet (maybe it's not such a surprise).
 Dancing girl.
 Sleepy girl (this was pretty much the only nap she had all day, it lasted about an hour).

I also made her a bonnet that you can kind of see in the group photo, but I think that's a photo shoot for another day.

In the meantime, here is boy-child:

Nice face kid.

Seems this is a long entry with all these pictures, but here's a few more:

Toques for Easter eggs!

Mom says he needs some facial hair, but I think maybe he's just the young, naive Jon Snow from Season 1 (who really does know nothing).

That's all for now folks!  I have a hat planned for this week, so you can enjoy little Alice's adorable pudgy face.


Thursday 10 April 2014

Introducing Alice!

We're back!  With a new baby and a new blog.  For now I'll keep all my blogging over here, even if we happen to feature Henry in a hat.  If you want to see the old blog just click!

This time around I think I'll try not to limit myself to hats.  While hats are great, we have an awful lot of them now (as one might suspect).  Also I found it particularly challenging to come up with good hat ideas in the summer months.  Speaking of summer, is it ever coming?

In an attempt to remind myself what summer is like, here is what I made for Alice for our first blog entry:

What's this now?  Such a professional looking photo!  How did I accomplish this you may ask?  I found a great tutorial on pinterest on how to build a lightbox.  I thought to myself, I have a box, some tissue paper and some bristol board, and voila!  I'm actually impressed with how well it turned out/works.  #nailedit

Oh, you want to see the baby?  

There's my little strawberry!  She's a lot more alert than her brother was at this age, making the whole photography thing a little more challenging (never mind the toddler running around the room too).

I first knit these boots, then sewed all those little beads on them.

My grumpy old lady

Boots from another angle.

These ones I made with no pattern, just kind of trial and error.  Hats are obviously a little easier for me to get right on the first try.  I also must admit that knitting and crocheting all those hats for Henry turned me into a proper expert, now I don't often need a pattern and have yet to come across something I can't manage.  So, yay me!

There we have it, hats and booties to start us off!  Who knows what next week has in store (although a good bet says it will be easter related, since next week is, you know, easter).

I also have one last thing to show you, just for fun:

Again, lightbox ftw.  That would be our beloved Daenerys, because guess what?  Game of Thrones is back!  (Like I need to tell you, anyone who cares obviously knows this already).  I will make some more of these little guys, but I had to order some more eyes (I know, crafter problems right)?  

Nice to see you all again!
